The Walk-in Catio (Cat Patio) – how big should a cat enclosure be?
Does Your Cat Need a Catio? A walk-in Cat Patio can be used as a large outdoor cat enclosure connected to your house!
This enclosure was for the customers cat. It was a particular breed and left to its own devices had a peculiar fascination for passing cars. Worrying for any pet owner!
Even though their home was in the rural of Thatcham, Pussy Cats mum didn’t want to take the risk of her kamikaze cat coming to a perilous ending.
So. Having a secluded patio area what was virtually unused it was decided to create and outdoor area for Kamikaze puss to stretch its legs and watch the world go by (better than being stuck indoors I guess)!
A cat flap was created through the house wall coming out neatly into the kitchen area.
The structure had to fit into a narrow margin of fitment avoiding window openings and brickwork features and tuck neatly below the kitchen extension facia board. There was literally 2mm of play in the accuracy of the structure and I did lose sleep that it all went together onsite without a hitch.
Click here to find out more about our latest Catio product, available in 6ft and 9ft sizes!